วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 2 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2555

Here are some tips for talking to your baby

Look at your baby's eyes while you are talking to her.
  • Call your baby by her name.
  • Keep your talk simple. Say "pretty baby." Use the words "mommy" and "daddy" when you talk to her.
  • Watch for your baby's expressions and listen to her sounds. Make these same sounds and facial expressions back to her.
  • Add gestures to your talk. Say "wave bye-bye to the dog" as you wave to the dog.
  • Ask your baby questions. "Would Maria like to have her milk now?" "Does Maria want to go outside?" Ask the questions even though she can't answer.
  • Talk about what you are doing. As you dress, bathe and change your baby, talk about what you're doing.
  • Read to your baby. Babies love nursery rhymes and poems. You can even use a lively voice and read your favorite magazine or book to her. If you can, use books with stories that include a baby, a rattle or other common things. (You can find lots of children's books at your public library.)
  • Sing to your baby. It is important while she begins to learn language skills.
  • Watch for signals from your baby when you are talking to her. If she is smiling and keeping eye contact, she is saying she wants you to keep on talking.

